来源:整理 编辑:人人火汽配 2023-03-31 01:55:14
153桥的半轴螺栓一般为8个,457一般为10个,460从速比上看,460速比一般都比457小,从外关看的话,462调整臂与457不同.457能小一点,没什么区别 差价2000 457升级460 200元钱一个的轮芯还有钢圈换上就是460的了![457桥与460桥区别](//www.rrhjz.com/d/file/20230228/279404852bcd7e45c34a6be54a57e857.jpg)
其实457桥就是加大了轴承,承载量还是一样的。没什么大的变化, 按参数说153是东风10吨桥 457是13吨桥
不知道你具体要问什么?请完善你的问题? 对于457、485、498来说,这个数字表示其被动齿轮分度圆直径为457mm、485mm及498mm,其输出扭矩有所差异457能达到45000N·M,485和498都能达到55000N·M,其承载能力与其输出扭矩成正比,额定载荷都是13T(一汽的485标16T)。其实影响承载力的因素还很多,包括主被齿、桥壳、半轴(如单级桥的半轴容易断,所以工程车一般都用斯太尔和奔驰轮减桥)等(重载还有制动器等)。 153桥,其被动齿轮分度圆直径为435mm,是当初东风引进的日产柴的技术,前桥5T,后桥10T,装在东风当初的153车型上,得名153桥。 140、141和145桥,其被动齿轮分度圆直径都为385mm,其中140和141的齿轮一样,只是一种升级改进,145的齿轮比140的齿轮厚2mm。方盛的8T桥用145的,6T桥用140的。 此外还有500桥(J6的单后桥用500桥、双后桥用485桥)、东风的462桥……153桥的半轴螺栓一般为8个,457一般为10个,460从速比上看,460速比一般都比457小,从外关看的话,462调整臂与457不同.457能小一点,
您说的13吨桥是指桥的核定载重量。轮边减速桥跟其他桥区别不是太大,主要就是免保养,定期检查齿轮油就可以。如果您想买车的话速比就不用管他,变速箱分高速和低速的,车桥的速比一般都不用考虑。柳汽霸龙一般就是东风EQ153桥(半轴螺丝是8个的),和一汽9T桥(半轴螺丝是10个),边减的可能也有,边减的毛病少一点。用的话还是用边减的桥。Ghd mk4 straighteners Stand for beautiful age, There are different types of straightening iron hair stylers available out there in the market for sale. Those available in the GHD range are unquestionably the best hair straighteners. They have emerged as the staple of the beauty market because of the tremendous features and amazing results that they have to offer.GHD IV Pure stylerThe best thing about Ghd mk4 styler is that they are not only easy to use,GHD IV Purple Style, but they are also incredibly reliable. Unlike other models, they rarely fail. They can straighten your hair in a significantly lesser time because they work at quite a hot level. Interestingly, they also cool down very quickly. Quick heat up is another great feature of GHD hair straighteners. Once you plug it and switchGhd mk4 straighteners Stand for beautiful age, There are different types of straightening iron hair stylers available out there in the market for sale. Those available in the GHD range are unquestionably the best hair straighteners. They have emerged as the staple of the beauty market because of the tremendous features and amazing results that they have to offer.GHD IV Pure stylerThe best thing about Ghd mk4 styler is that they are not only easy to use, but they are also incredibly reliable. Unlike other models, they rarely fail. They can straighten your hair in a significantly lesser time because they work at quite a hot level. Interestingly, they also cool down very quickly. Quick heat up is another great feature of GHD hair straighteners. Once you plug it and switch it on, it can heat up in a very short time, providing you more time to do your hair. Because of all these wonderful benefits, hair salons all over the world use GHD stylers. However, there are different types of products available in this range.Pink ghd mk4 is also hot and beautiful for the unique color, Choose the best GHD hair straighteners suitable for your specific hair types, that are easy to use and incredibly reliable.it on, it can heat up in a very short time,GHD IV Styling Set, providing you more time to do your hair. Because of all these wonderful benefits, hair salons all over the world use GHD stylers. However, there are different types of products available in this range.Pink ghd mk4 is also hot and beautiful for the unique color,GHD Instyler, Choose the best GHD hair straighteners suitable for your specific hair types, that are easy to use and incredibly reliable.这要看你后桥的板簧中心距是否一致不一致的话跟本装不上去,再就是速比要是比原来的大,那车速就会降低,相反车速升高,但是重载时车就会无力跑不动,
457的桥和153桥有什么不同153 有什么 什么